The QLab supports projects led by University of Maryland researchers, UMD's regional and national partners, quantum companies through the Quantum Startup Foundry, and competitively selected innovators through the Global User Program. In furtherance of QLab’s “Quantum for All” focus on bringing quantum computing and domain expertise together to co-design practical solutions, QLab encourages crosscutting, interdisciplinary proposals. Projects may target any domain for application development, including, but not limited to:
- Physics and Space Science
- Materials Science and Engineering,
- Geographical and Earth Sciences,
- Biological and Life Sciences,
- Aerospace Engineering,
- Cybersecurity, and
- Business and Finance.
Examplar projects include:

Quantum Error Mitigation
PI: Doyeol (David) Ahn
Organization: Peta Lux, Inc. / University of Seoul

QML for Materials Discovery
PIs: Ichiro Takeuchi (UMD) & A. Gilad Kusne (NIST)

QC for Computational Fluid Dynamics
PI: James D. Baeder

QC for Battery Materials
PI: Yifei Mo

QRNG for Cybersecurity
PIs: Michel Cukier (UMD) & Charles Clark (NIST)

Quantum Communications
PIs: Edo Waks (UMD), Tripti Sinha (UMD), Norbert Linke (Duke), Dirk Englund (MIT), Saikat Guha (UArizona)